Trust in God and Tawhid- Imam al-Ghazali

Hamza Yusuf is a modern Islamic Scholar.
Al Ghazali was a medieval Islamic Philosopher.

Healing Hearts

The video clip posted below is taken from one of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s lectures: “The Critical Importance of Al-Ghazali in Our Times”. Shaykh Hamza in this 2:25 min video clip touches upon what Imam al-Ghazali meant when he spoke about Trust in God and Tawhid. I would encourage you to listen to the clip (and the whole lecture if you can, but this clip in particular). For me, this clip pretty much sums everything up. I think once we get our heads around this thing Imam al-Ghazali wrote about and Shaykh Hamza narrates (which doesn’t happen overnight), we will be able to deal better with the situations and circumstances God places us in. It’s not an easy thing, but hey, who said this life was meant to be easy? But we strive, and strive, and persevere, and try to build our understanding which ultimately gives us the strength and…

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I Won an Award!


A week ago I got an award from this awesome blogger called White Pearl. I recommend you check her blog out, it’s pretty cool.

To be honest, I have no idea why I got this award. I certainly don’t deserve it, and I met White Pearl and her blogging pals just a few days earlier. I even double checked the definition of “versatile” to make sure it meant something positive. Turns out, the word is neutral 😛

To accept the award, I have to answer some rather personal questions. I’d much rather write about government conspiracies, but I would like to show off what I received. These were the questions:

The most Embarrassing moment of your life :

The person you Love the most :

What quality makes you unique from the others :

The moment that proves you are naughty:

What is your favorite food :


The most Embarrassing moment of your life: Well, for starters, I have no idea why Embarrassing is capitalized! That would be pretty Embarrassing if I did that 😛 To be honest, I have no idea. I once took our trashcan and carried it into the house instead of taking it to the sidewalk. I was pretty tired that day.

The person you Love the most : This depends on what you’re looking for. The smart ass answer? God. The sentimental answer? My family. The intellectual answer? Hamza Yusuf Hanson. The suck up answer? White Pearl. The sarcastic answer? Arkenaten. He makes me think, thank God!

What quality makes you unique from the others : Hmm. I once took a personality test called “Meyers-Briggs”. You can find it online everywhere. Of the 16 types, I got the rarest one. One percent of the population. INFJ. I can read people’s minds. Whatever that means.

The moment that proves you are naughty: I made someone cry while they were speaking on a public stage once. I won’t elaborate, but those were the days!

What is your favorite food : I am not particular. I can remember my grandmother’s chicken biryani (a South Asian rice dish) to be quite memorable. White Pearl can relate to this, I’ll bet. What I liked about it was that it wasn’t overloaded with spices and didn’t have an excess of flavors. Plain and simple, just like me I suppose.

Well, enough with the sentiment. Tomorrow I’ll rage on the media. That is easier to do. I’d like to thank White Pearl again for her completely unnecessary award.

Here’s to blogging!

Lux Ferous