From Hezbollah to Halo: The maddening consumption of video games


The ADL, Anti-Defamation League, rightly took the stance against a supposed video game by Hezbollah that simulates ” Hezbol­lah missions against Israel…from 1982, 1986, 1996, 1999 and 2000 ” Here are some of the things ADL determined this video game had:

  • In the 1986 game, play­ers advance on a for­ti­fied hill to an Israeli out­post using a vari­ety of weapons until they are able to kill all the Israeli sol­diers, take con­trol of the out­post and seize ammu­ni­tion and equipment.
  • In the 1999 game, play­ers must first dis­able mon­i­tor­ing equip­ment before they can explode a road­side bomb to destroy a con­voy trans­port­ing Israeli Gen­eral Erez Gerstein.
  • The 2000 game involves fir­ing rock­ets into Israeli ter­ri­tory to kill Israeli sol­diers on patrol.


I think we can all agree that those video games have serious problems – but what about Call of Duty, where players kill Russians? Just a thought.

“I’m a convicte…

“I’m a convicted rapist! I’m an animal! I’m the stupidest person in boxing! I gotta get outta here or I’m gonna kill somebody… I’m on this Zoloft thing, right? But I’m on that to keep me from killing y’all… I don’t want to be taking the Zoloft, but they are concerned about the fact that I’m a violent person, almost an animal. And they only want me to be an animal in the ring.” — Mikey Tyson

Mike Tyson is a world renowned boxer.


“War is the por…

“War is the pornography of violence.” — Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges is an anti-war journalist and Christian theologian.