
Whispers of Satan might sound like an odd title for a blog. It comes from an Islāmic idea about the evil inclinations the conscious gives every once in a while – those pandering thoughts of “what if I don’t try today…what if I don’t care…what if I don’t want to think about tomorrow?”

But I don’t believe that’s the whole story. Satan’s whispers are there, but the angels are too. And I like to think those thoughts from the conscious are more frequent – “what if I do try…what if I do care…what if I think ahead…what if I just DO IT!”

This blog is about that – good and evil, temptation and motivation. It’s about the world around us, from my lens, and what message I can share. Even if “I know nothing!” — Socrates

Happy reading.

Lux Ferous


Tag list:

3 Quarks Daily 9/11 2013 Abeer Hamza Absolute Truth absolutism Abu Dawood Action Adam Adolf Hitler Afghanistan Africa African Americans Afrikaner A Girl Like Me Albert Einstein Alcohol Algeria Al Ghazali Algorithm algorithms Alice Friman Al Jazeera Al Qaeda Altruism Amazon American Association for the Advancement of Science American policy Americans American values anarchy ancestry and everything Anna Quindlen Anti-Defamation League Anti-Discrimination Laws anti-feminism Anti-war antifeminism apartheid Apologetics Argentina Argument Ariel Dorfman aristocracy Aristotle Arkenaten arrogance A Song of Ice and Fire atheism autism Avicenna babies Baghdad Barack Obama barbaric criminal justice Barrack Obama Bart D. Ehrman Bashar Al-Assad beauty Bernard Lewis Bertrand Russell betrayal Bhagavad Gita Bible Bigotry bilingualism Biryani Black Black History Month Bob Marley Bollywood books Boredom Boxing Brad Pitt Brazil Breaking Bad Buddha buddhism Burqa Business Insider BuzzFeed California Canada capitalism Capital punishment Cartel Cartography Catch-22 Catholic Church Catholicism cducey2013 Center for Law and Religion Forum chaos Charles Darwin charlie foxtrot Chicago Tribune Child-parent relationships Chile China Choice Chris Hedges christ Christian apologetics Christianity Christian Right Christmas Church of England cinematography civil disobedience Civil Rights Movement cloud atlas CNN coal miners Coca-Cola cognitive dissonance collateral damage Colombia colonization of minds Comedy commemoration communism compassion confidence confusion conservatism consumerism content of charachter contradiction control copyright abuse Copyright infringement courage court court system creation mythology Creativity criminal justice crucifixion Crucifixion of Christ crusade Cry Freedom Cuba Curiosity danger Dangerous World Daoism Darwinism death Death Penalty debt deception default Democracy despair Destruction Diane Nyad Digital Millennium Copyright Act Discrimination divine justice divine love dogma dogmatism Donald Woods Doublethink Downtime Dr. Seuss drone attacks Drug Enforcement Administration Drugs Drug War Due process Dylan Garity Dystopia E. O. Wilson Early Christianity earth Eckert IV Projection economy education ego Elizabeth II Emancipation empathy empowerment England Enlightenment Equality ESL eternity ethics eugenics Eurocentrism Euromaiden Europe Europeans European Union evangelism Evil Evolution Existence of God existentialism Extinction extortion extremism Eye for an eye Facebook faith faith and reason fame Family far-left far-right fastcocreate FCC Federal Bureau of Investigation feminism filth Florida food foolishness foreign relations forget forgive and forget Frederick Douglas freedom Friedrich Nietzsche Full body scanner Future Galls-Peters Projection Game of Thrones gay rights Gender Geographic coordinate system Geography George Bernard Shaw George W Bush George Zimmerman globalization Global Warming God Golden Gate Bridge Golden Rule Google government Guru Nanak HAARP hadith Hakeem Muhammad Hamid Karzai Hamza Yusuf Harper’s Magazine Harrison Starr hate Hatred hedonism Hell Herbert Spencer heroes Hero Worship Hezbollah Hinduism Hispanics historicity of Jesus historiography History Hollywood holocaust homosexuality honor House of Wisdom How The Grinch Stole Christmas Huffington Post human rights humility hunger strikes hypocrisy I Am that I Am Ibn Khaldun idealism identity idolatry Ignorance Illusion of Choice Immanuel Kant immigration independent film indoctrination INFJ influence information injustice Innocence inspiration institutional racism integrity intellectual arrogance intellectualism Intellectual Property intelligence Intelligent design Intention Internet intolerance Invictus Iraq Iraq War Ireland Isaac Asimov Isaac Newton Islam Islamic History Islamic philosophy Islamophobia Israel Israeli-Palestinian relations J. Robert Oppenheimer Jason Edward Harrington Jerusalem Jesus Jesus Christ John John Locke Johnson & Johnson Jonathan Drori Jonathan Swift Jon Stewart Jorge Luis Borges journalism joy judaism jury system justice justice system juvenile crime juxtaposition Kaaba Kalam Cosmological Argument Karen Armstrong Karl Popper Karma Kellog’s Khalid Latif knowledge Koran Kraft Krishna Kurt Vonnegut lack of religion Lady Gaga language law learning Lebanon Left Left-handedness Left-wing politics legacy Lethal injection lgbt liberal Liberal Arts Education Liberal Christianity liberal ideals liberalism liberation liberty life Life imprisonment Linguistics Lion King literalism Literature logic Lord of the Rings Louis Pasteur love Lynn Margulis machines Mahabharata Mahmudiyah killings mainstream Malala Yousafzai Malcolm X Mao Zedong map making maps marriage Mars Martin Luther King Marxism mathematics Max Payne meaning of life media Mercator Projection mercy Merriam Webster messiah Mexican Armed Forces Mexico Middle East Mike Tyson miracles misinterpretation Mollweide Projection monarchy morality Moral relativism morals Morgan Freeman mountain analagoy Movies and Videos Muhammad Muhammad Abduh Muhammad Ali Jinnah murder Murtaza Hussain Music Muslim Brotherhood muslim women Muslim World Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Myriam Francois-Cerrah n+1 Nabila Rehman narcissism nationalism National Science Foundation National Security Agency Nationhood Nation of Islam natural disasters natural selection Nelson Mandela Nestle Net Neutrality networking network neutrality New Mexico New Testament New Testament Criticism New Years New York Times Nicolaus Copernicus Nihilism Nineteen Eighty-Four Noam Chomsky Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Prize North Carolina North Korea NSA Nuclear Arms O’Hare International Airport Objectification objectivity open mindedness opportunity opposing values opposites oppression Orange Revolution Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Orientalism origins Osama Bin Laden P&G paganism paint Pakistan palestine Palestinian Liberation Authority Papacy paper tiger past patience Peace Pepsico perseverance perseverence personal emotion philosophy philosphy Physical education piety poaching Poetry politics polygamy Pope Francis pornography power prayer preaching present pressure Primo Levi Privacy productivity profit proof Prophet Muhammad protests proving psychology PTSD purpose Qatar race Race Relations racial tensions racism Radio rape rational compassion recognition relativism reliefs religion Religion and Spirituality remember Renaissance rhinoceros Richard Dawkins Right rioting Riyadh Robert Spencer Robinson Projection romance Rumi Rush Limbaugh Russia Russia Today Saddam Hussein Safety Salafi Same-sex marriage San Francisco Satan satire Saudi Arabia science Scientific American scripture secularism secularist dogma segregation self-awareness self-deception self-esteem self-recognition self-reflection Seven (film) Seven deadly sins Sexism sexual assault sexuality Shahrukh Khan Shalom Sikhism Singapore singing Skepticism Slaughter House Five slavery Social social darwinism Socialism socialization social media social service sociology Socrates Soren Kierkegaard sorrow South Africa Spanish Stand your Ground Star Wars Steve Biko stress stupidity of life subconcious sufism suicide supernova survival of the fittest swimming symbiogenesis Syria Tablet Magazine tactic Taking Sense Away Taliban Tao Te Ching Tariq Ramadan Tawhid Tea Party technology ted TEDTalks television Terrorism textual criticism the “other” The Atlantic Monthly The Browser The Daily Beast The Ethical Warrior The Guardian The Independent The Lancet the mind theology The Reason for God The Scarlet Letter the universe The Versatile Blogger The Washington Post TIME time management Timothy Keller Timothy McVeigh Tirmidhi To Kill a Mockingbird tolerance Tony Blair totalitarianism total war tragedy Transportation Security Administration trayvon martin trends Trial Trust truth twitter ugly Ukraine understand union rights United Nations United States Valentine Day values Venezuela Verizon Veterans Day video games vigilantism Viktor Yanukovych violence virtue vlogbrothers Walt Disney Company war War crimes War on Terror Wars and Conflicts Washington post Watchmaker Analogy Wayne Waziristan weakness Westboro Baptist Church Western black rhinoceros Western Values White White Pearl Why I am not a Christian WikiLeaks Wikipedia willful blindness William Ernest Henley Winkel tripel Projection wisdom women wordpress WordPress.com wordpress statistics world worldviews World War II Yin Yang youth Zaid Shakir


3 Quarks Daily 9/11 2013 Abeer Hamza Absolute Truth absolutism Abu Dawood Action Adam Adolf Hitler Afghanistan Africa African Americans Afrikaner A Girl Like Me Albert Einstein Alcohol Algeria Al Ghazali Algorithm algorithms Alice Friman Al Jazeera Al Qaeda Altruism Amazon American Association for the Advancement of Science American policy Americans American values anarchy ancestry and everything Anna Quindlen Anti-Defamation League Anti-Discrimination Laws anti-feminism Anti-war antifeminism apartheid Apologetics Argentina Argument Ariel Dorfman aristocracy Aristotle Arkenaten arrogance A Song of Ice and Fire atheism autism Avicenna babies Baghdad Barack Obama barbaric criminal justice Barrack Obama Bart D. Ehrman Bashar Al-Assad beauty Bernard Lewis Bertrand Russell betrayal Bhagavad Gita Bible Bigotry bilingualism Biryani Black Black History Month Bob Marley Bollywood books Boredom Boxing Brad Pitt Brazil Breaking Bad Buddha buddhism Burqa Business Insider BuzzFeed California Canada capitalism Capital punishment Cartel Cartography Catch-22 Catholic Church Catholicism cducey2013 Center for Law and Religion Forum chaos Charles Darwin charlie foxtrot Chicago Tribune Child-parent relationships Chile China Choice Chris Hedges christ Christian apologetics Christianity Christian Right Christmas Church of England cinematography civil disobedience Civil Rights Movement cloud atlas CNN coal miners Coca-Cola cognitive dissonance collateral damage Colombia colonization of minds Comedy commemoration communism compassion confidence confusion conservatism consumerism content of charachter contradiction control copyright abuse Copyright infringement courage court court system creation mythology Creativity criminal justice crucifixion Crucifixion of Christ crusade Cry Freedom Cuba Curiosity danger Dangerous World Daoism Darwinism death Death Penalty debt deception default Democracy despair Destruction Diane Nyad Digital Millennium Copyright Act Discrimination divine justice divine love dogma dogmatism Donald Woods Doublethink Downtime Dr. Seuss drone attacks Drug Enforcement Administration Drugs Drug War Due process Dylan Garity Dystopia E. O. Wilson Early Christianity earth Eckert IV Projection economy education ego Elizabeth II Emancipation empathy empowerment England Enlightenment Equality ESL eternity ethics eugenics Eurocentrism Euromaiden Europe Europeans European Union evangelism Evil Evolution Existence of God existentialism Extinction extortion extremism Eye for an eye Facebook faith faith and reason fame Family far-left far-right fastcocreate FCC Federal Bureau of Investigation feminism filth Florida food foolishness foreign relations forget forgive and forget Frederick Douglas freedom Friedrich Nietzsche Full body scanner Future Galls-Peters Projection Game of Thrones gay rights Gender Geographic coordinate system Geography George Bernard Shaw George W Bush George Zimmerman globalization Global Warming God Golden Gate Bridge Golden Rule Google government Guru Nanak HAARP hadith Hakeem Muhammad Hamid Karzai Hamza Yusuf Harper’s Magazine Harrison Starr hate Hatred hedonism Hell Herbert Spencer heroes Hero Worship Hezbollah Hinduism Hispanics historicity of Jesus historiography History Hollywood holocaust homosexuality honor House of Wisdom How The Grinch Stole Christmas Huffington Post human rights humility hunger strikes hypocrisy I Am that I Am Ibn Khaldun idealism identity idolatry Ignorance Illusion of Choice Immanuel Kant immigration independent film indoctrination INFJ influence information injustice Innocence inspiration institutional racism integrity intellectual arrogance intellectualism Intellectual Property intelligence Intelligent design Intention Internet intolerance Invictus Iraq Iraq War Ireland Isaac Asimov Isaac Newton Islam Islamic History Islamic philosophy Islamophobia Israel Israeli-Palestinian relations J. Robert Oppenheimer Jason Edward Harrington Jerusalem Jesus Jesus Christ John John Locke Johnson & Johnson Jonathan Drori Jonathan Swift Jon Stewart Jorge Luis Borges journalism joy judaism jury system justice justice system juvenile crime juxtaposition Kaaba Kalam Cosmological Argument Karen Armstrong Karl Popper Karma Kellog’s Khalid Latif knowledge Koran Kraft Krishna Kurt Vonnegut lack of religion Lady Gaga language law learning Lebanon Left Left-handedness Left-wing politics legacy Lethal injection lgbt liberal Liberal Arts Education Liberal Christianity liberal ideals liberalism liberation liberty life Life imprisonment Linguistics Lion King literalism Literature logic Lord of the Rings Louis Pasteur love Lynn Margulis machines Mahabharata Mahmudiyah killings mainstream Malala Yousafzai Malcolm X Mao Zedong map making maps marriage Mars Martin Luther King Marxism mathematics Max Payne meaning of life media Mercator Projection mercy Merriam Webster messiah Mexican Armed Forces Mexico Middle East Mike Tyson miracles misinterpretation Mollweide Projection monarchy morality Moral relativism morals Morgan Freeman mountain analagoy Movies and Videos Muhammad Muhammad Abduh Muhammad Ali Jinnah murder Murtaza Hussain Music Muslim Brotherhood muslim women Muslim World Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Myriam Francois-Cerrah n+1 Nabila Rehman narcissism nationalism National Science Foundation National Security Agency Nationhood Nation of Islam natural disasters natural selection Nelson Mandela Nestle Net Neutrality networking network neutrality New Mexico New Testament New Testament Criticism New Years New York Times Nicolaus Copernicus Nihilism Nineteen Eighty-Four Noam Chomsky Nobel Peace Prize Nobel Prize North Carolina North Korea NSA Nuclear Arms O’Hare International Airport Objectification objectivity open mindedness opportunity opposing values opposites oppression Orange Revolution Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Orientalism origins Osama Bin Laden P&G paganism paint Pakistan palestine Palestinian Liberation Authority Papacy paper tiger past patience Peace Pepsico perseverance perseverence personal emotion philosophy philosphy Physical education piety poaching Poetry politics polygamy Pope Francis pornography power prayer preaching present pressure Primo Levi Privacy productivity profit proof Prophet Muhammad protests proving psychology PTSD purpose Qatar race Race Relations racial tensions racism Radio rape rational compassion recognition relativism reliefs religion Religion and Spirituality remember Renaissance rhinoceros Richard Dawkins Right rioting Riyadh Robert Spencer Robinson Projection romance Rumi Rush Limbaugh Russia Russia Today Saddam Hussein Safety Salafi Same-sex marriage San Francisco Satan satire Saudi Arabia science Scientific American scripture secularism secularist dogma segregation self-awareness self-deception self-esteem self-recognition self-reflection Seven (film) Seven deadly sins Sexism sexual assault sexuality Shahrukh Khan Shalom Sikhism Singapore singing Skepticism Slaughter House Five slavery Social social darwinism Socialism socialization social media social service sociology Socrates Soren Kierkegaard sorrow South Africa Spanish Stand your Ground Star Wars Steve Biko stress stupidity of life subconcious sufism suicide supernova survival of the fittest swimming symbiogenesis Syria Tablet Magazine tactic Taking Sense Away Taliban Tao Te Ching Tariq Ramadan Tawhid Tea Party technology ted TEDTalks television Terrorism textual criticism the “other” The Atlantic Monthly The Browser The Daily Beast The Ethical Warrior The Guardian The Independent The Lancet the mind theology The Reason for God The Scarlet Letter the universe The Versatile Blogger The Washington Post TIME time management Timothy Keller Timothy McVeigh Tirmidhi To Kill a Mockingbird tolerance Tony Blair totalitarianism total war tragedy Transportation Security Administration trayvon martin trends Trial Trust truth twitter ugly Ukraine understand union rights United Nations United States Valentine Day values Venezuela Verizon Veterans Day video games vigilantism Viktor Yanukovych violence virtue vlogbrothers Walt Disney Company war War crimes War on Terror Wars and Conflicts Washington post Watchmaker Analogy Wayne Waziristan weakness Westboro Baptist Church Western black rhinoceros Western Values White White Pearl Why I am not a Christian WikiLeaks Wikipedia willful blindness William Ernest Henley Winkel tripel Projection wisdom women wordpress WordPress.com wordpress statistics world worldviews World War II Yin Yang youth Zaid Shakir

19 thoughts on “About

  1. Religion has about as much relevance in a modern society as the Easter Bunny.
    It is divisive by nature and by practice.
    Its ultimate goal is not tolerance but to establish one religion under one god The question is whether one of these religions will get to the finish line before either common sense prevails or some religious maniac gets their hands on some form of WMD.
    Religion – all religion – is detrimental to health, genuine happiness and global peace and stability.
    The most stable economies and stable populations have either moved away from religion or are busy doing so.
    While I have NO objection to anyone believing what they like in this regard, they must just not be allowed to preach the lies and rubbish of religion in any shape or form, and especially not to children.

    It will eventually disappear as a normal outgrowth of human development.
    Let’s just pray(sic) it is sooner rather than later.


    • Thanks for the comment. By the way, I have a link to your blog on the side – do you mind? I quite enjoy yours. I found a tagline for it from one of your posts that pretty much sums up what the blog is about in relevance to mine. If you want a different one or whatever, feel free to let me know. Try to keep it about your differing opinions on religion.



    • Interesting. I like his examples of how indoctrination has come to us (this is not to say I agree wit his views on homosexuality or evolution). The pinnacle of Satan, Biblically, it seems, is his craftiness. Islamically it is his arrogance. Thanks for the read. I enjoyed it.


      Here’s something I found on the internet. Take a look. As a disclaimer I do not agree with even half of the website’s views, but this article is good. We have this concept of the “whispers” of Satan, those bad temptations that appear in our consciousness. Those “whispers” are the things that indoctrinate us all.



  2. I’m not sure why you would want to follow my blog, but thanks anyway. I find your blog intriguing I’ll try and come back to read some more.


  3. You say “our religious fundamentalists are serious pests.”
    As you probably know “fundamental” means “foundation.” For you the Qur’an – all of it – is the foundation of your life; for me, likewise the Bible. How do you define “fundamentalist.”


    • You know what, you are absolutely correct. I suddenly hate the word “fundamentalist”. It implies that standing to your religious core is wrong and extreme. I might even write about how bad the word is. Thanks for the comment ,I really appreciate it. Every mention of the word “fundamentalist” has been removed from my blog and changed to something else. Feel free to comment or like whenever you want – and don’t hesitate to note these errors that society has placed on us all.



  4. Pingback: 100th post. | Whispers of Satan

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