“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword…”

Whispers of Satan

“…If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.”

“A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is”

— Eddard Stark. Game of Thrones, by George RR Martin

This is one of the most powerful quotes I have read in my entire life. It has influenced much of my views and thoughts on bravery, hypocrisy, and cowardice. To think that every day we cower behind people to do our dirty work. To think that we are all hypocrites in this way: too afraid to do what we think is right with our own hands. To think that we watch bombs drop day and night on people across the globe and call it legitimate, while too afraid…

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“The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword…”

“…If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.”

“A ruler who hides behind paid executioners soon forgets what death is”

— Eddard Stark. Game of Thrones, by George RR Martin

This is one of the most powerful quotes I have read in my entire life. It has influenced much of my views and thoughts on bravery, hypocrisy, and cowardice. To think that every day we cower behind people to do our dirty work. To think that we are all hypocrites in this way: too afraid to do what we think is right with our own hands. To think that we watch bombs drop day and night on people across the globe and call it legitimate, while too afraid to do it ourselves. If we cannot bear to bring death to others with our own two hands , then perhaps those we think are worthy of death do not deserve to die.

Unless Obama was willing to explode a young teenager with his dad knowing that that was the only way to kill his father. Unless Bush was willing to shoot everyone of the hundreds of thousands people his pawns shot with his own AK-47: the innocent women, children, cripples, and clergymen that had no involvement in anything or no inclinations to violence. Unless President Bashar Al-Assad took chemical weapons with his own hands to fight the rebels of his country, or unless Mao Zedong lit fire to villages with his own matches….perhaps those people did not deserve to die.

The thousands that have been executed under our court systems, many of which died because of racism, failed court rules, or mistreatment from society, were executed behind paid executioners. The judges and the juries that sentenced them, perhaps, have forgotten what death is. The American Presidents that ordered massacres of villages and assassinations of children, perhaps, have forgotten what death is, just like the British Prime Ministers or the Saudi Arabian Kings. People like you and I, who voted in favor of this war or the other, or served in the military of this country or that: perhaps we have forgotten what death is.

Let’s not play the blame game, or equate this political leader to that one. Let’s not fight over things that happened decades ago or judge people for decisions you and I couldn’t make better. But let us remember. If you would take a man’s life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.

And I don’t know about you, but I cannot bear to do that.

The Lead Paint Trial

I couldn’t get on yesterday – so this post is for yesterday.



If you haven’t heard about this trial, I don’t blame you. Everything on the TV is about royal babies and  a teenager in a hoodie. Basically, a few paint companies are on trial for knowingly having lead in their paint, because it’s cheaper, right? That’s always a good reason to poison children. For the purpose of this post, I’m going to assume they are found guilty. Then I’m going to say what I think should happen to them, but it won’t I’m sure.

If it can be proved, beyond a doubt, that they actually did this, then I most honestly think that they should be given the death penalty. The ones who knew about it, who knowingly let so many children in our country suffer. They should be tried, individually, for each and every child they poisoned, and the sentence should be given for each and every one of those crimes, until they accumulate to life sentences. Personally, I think that that should mean a death penalty.

The stupidity of our system baffles me. To think that murderers get off with only a few dozen years in prison, but most especially, to think that these murderers will probably get off with a little pay out done by their company. What kind of crap is that? Murder is murder. Poisoning is poising. Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth. We need to stop being chickens about it. We need to give up these technicalities, these whims to the rich. You poison children, you can get poison back. In the form of lethal injection. If the CEO of Sherman-Williams, assuming he has adequate responsibility for what happened is reading this, let him know that I think he should be done away due process of law. I am against vigilante justice to be certain, but the law really needs to step up to the plate of justice. Mercy is fine too, but I’d rather mercy on the side of poisoned children then on the side of murderers.


The Lead Paint Trial

The Lead Paint Trial

If you haven’t heard about this trial, I don’t blame you. Everything on the TV is about royal babies and  a teenager in a hoodie. Basically, a few paint companies are on trial for knowingly having lead in their paint, because it’s cheaper, right? That’s always a good reason to poison children. For the purpose of this post, I’m going to assume they are found guilty. Then I’m going to say what I think should happen to them, but it won’t I’m sure.

If it can be proved, beyond a doubt, that they actually did this, then I most honestly think that they should be given the death penalty. The ones who knew about it, who knowingly let so many children in our country suffer. They should be tried, individually, for each and every child they poisoned, and the sentence should be given for each and every one of those crimes, until they accumulate to life sentences. Personally, I think that that should mean a death penalty.

The stupidity of our system baffles me. To think that murderers get off with only a few dozen years in prison, but most especially, to think that these murderers will probably get off with a little pay out done by their company. What kind of crap is that? Murder is murder. Poisoning is poising. Eye for an eye. Tooth for a tooth. We need to stop being chickens about it. We need to give up these technicalities, these whims to the rich. You poison children, you can get poison back. In the form of lethal injection. If the CEO of Sherman-Williams, assuming he has adequate responsibility for what happened is reading this, let him know that I think he should be done away due process of law. I am against vigilante justice to be certain, but the law really needs to step up to the plate of justice. Mercy is fine too, but I’d rather mercy on the side of poisoned children then on the side of murderers.